The Flipped Classroom: An Interactive Approach to Student Engagement
(Grades 4-12) / Flex Course
PDI Course Number: 18T02 / UCSD Course Number: EDUC41567
Course Description
Are you curious about the flipped classroom model of teaching and how to implement it in your own classroom? Flipped learning is also referred to as blended learning wherein the traditional learning environment is reversed. Students access content at home through videos, online presentations, and Internet activities, thereby freeing up critical classroom time to devote to hands-on instruction. This online course for teachers is for educators who want to learn how to effectively implement flipped learning in their classrooms. Teachers will learn how to find instructional videos online or create their own using WeVideo editing software. Teachers will also learn how to create their own screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic. Other presentation tools in the course with full instructions include PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi. As flipped content is developed, teachers are provided with important points to consider such as accessibility and Internet safety. Specific information regarding how to flip instruction for each of the four main content areas is shared, using methods such as cooperative learning and targeted grouping. Finally, teachers will learn about the various assessment strategies which are appropriate for the flipped learning model. By the end of this continuing education course, teachers will feel comfortable implementing a flipped learning model of instruction. This online professional development course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units/5 quarter units (50 hours of training) from University of California San Diego (UCSD) Division of Extended Studies. For detailed information on receiving university credit for your PDI professional development course, visit our credit page.
Need help? Kimya Nabavi, PDI Program Coordinator, is ready to assist.
"I found the content and resources to be very informative, thorough, clear, and concise. I have found many great resources to use in my quest to flip the classroom. This was my first PDI course, and I am so grateful for this resource. I have learned a lot and will be taking other courses in the future. Thank you!" - Wendy DeLaCruz
This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units or 5 quarter units of graduate-level credit from UCSD.
You have up to one year from the date you are enrolled to complete a flex course.
View the online course syllabus.
Print our customized course approval form to share with your school district.
UCSD Course Number: EDUC41567
Unit One
- What is flipped learning?
- Why flip your classroom?
- A Plan for Implementation
- Assignment #1: Write an autobiography
- Test #1
Unit Two
- Technology and the CCSS
- Accessibility Considerations
- Internet Safety
- Cyber Bullying
- Assignment #2: Article reflection
- Test #2
Unit Three
- Creating a Classroom Website
- Video Production
- Presentation Tools
- Assignment #3: Share your expertise
- Test #3
Unit Four
- Flipping Your Upper Elementary Classroom
- Flipping Your Middle and High School Classroom
- Test #4
Unit Five
- English Curriculum Flipping
- Social Studies Curriculum Flipping
- Science Curriculum Flipping
- Math Curriculum Flipping
- Test #5
Unit Six
- Cooperative Learning and Grouping Strategies
- Assessment in a Flipped Classroom
- Flipped Learning Resources
- Assignment #4: Create a flipped learning lesson based on the requirements set forth in the course
- Assignment #5: Course Reflection

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