Flex Course Registration by Check
Print and complete the form below. Then, mail it with your payment to the following address. You will receive course access information and instructions via e-mail as soon as your payment has been received. Questions? Send a message to Kimya Nabavi, PDI Program Coordinator, for assistance.
Professional Development Institute
Attn: Course Registration
2603 Main Street #1225
Irvine, CA 92614
First and Last Name:
Last Four Digits of Your Social Security Number:
Home Phone (Include Area Code):
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Date of Birth:
School District:
School Name:
Personal E-Mail Address (Very Important!):
Choose One
UCSD credit requested (additional $230 for 3 1/3 semester units of credit)
No credit requested
Print the list and circle or highlight the course(s) you wish to register for. Registration fee for each course is only $124 with the discount (regularly $149)
- 21st Century Thinking Skills that Promote College and Career Readiness (K-12)
- Active and Hands-On Science Instruction (K-6)
- Addressing the Needs of Diverse Populations (K-5)
- Anti-Bullying Strategies for Primary Grades (K-3)
- Applying The Science of Reading Principles in the Content Areas (6-12)
- Behavior Interventions for Students with Special Needs (3-6)
- Best Practices for a Successful Primary Classroom (K-3)
- Best Practices for a Successful 4th-6th Grade Classroom (4-6)
- Best Practices for a Successful Middle School Classroom (6-8)
- Best Practices for a Successful High School Classroom (9-12)
- Boosting Comprehension for Struggling Readers using Science of Reading (3-6)
- Boosting Student Engagement Using Active Learning Strategies (PreK-5)
- Bridging the Gap: High-Yield Strategies to Recover from Learning Loss (K-12)
- Building Critical Social and Emotional Skills Using Literature (K-12)
- Building Empathy and Community in Middle and High School (6-12)
- Bullying: Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention (4-8)
- Canva: A Guide for Creating Engaging Classroom Content (K-12) / One Unit Course
- Character Education for the 21st Century (K-12)
- Classroom Management Strategies for High School Teachers (K-12)
- Classroom Management Survival Course (K-8)
- Closing the Gap: Focusing on Critical Literacy and Math Skills (K-5)
- Combining SEL and DEIB to Propel Learning Forward (PreK-5)
- Comprehension: The Key to Successful Reading (K-3)
- Comprehension Strategies for Middle and Upper Grades (4-12)
- Connecting Content with Literacy: Dynamic Strategies for Comprehension (6-12)
- Conquering the Behavioral Challenges of Special Needs Students (K-2)
- Content Area Multi-Sensory Teaching for Students with Special Needs (K-5)
- Creating a Dynamic Classroom Through Project-Based Learning (K-5)
- Cultural Responsiveness and Inclusivity of Diverse Students (K-12)
- The Daily 5 (K-3)
- Data-Driven Instruction (K-12)
- Designing and Creating a WebQuest (3-12)
- Developing Phonemic Awareness in Emergent Readers (PreK-2)
- Developmentally Appropriate Content Activities for Early Learners (PreK-2)
- Differentiated Instruction: One Size Does Not Fit All (K-6)
- Digital Projects that Inspire and Support Student Learning (K-12)
- Educating the Whole Student: Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Learning (K-12)
- Educational Technology 101 (K-12)
- Effective Strategies for Emergent and Early Writers (PreK-3)
- Effective Strategies to Improve Student Writing (4-12)
- Effectively Using iPads to Transform Your Classroom (K-12)
- ELL Strategies for Mainstreamed Students (6-12)
- Embracing Diversity and Equity with Culturally Responsive Teaching (K-12)
- Enhancing Comprehension in Grades 2-5 with Science of Reading (2-5)
- Engaging, Motivating, and Managing Your Students (4-8)
- Engaging, Motivating, and Managing Your Students (4-8)
- An Essential Guide to Formative Assessment (K-5)
- The Flipped Classroom: An Interactive Approach to Student Engagement (4-12)
- Focus on Phonics (K-3)
- Focused Interventions to Improve Executive Function Skills (K-12)
- Google as a Classroom Tool for Learning (K-12)
- Guided Reading 101 (K-5)
- Guiding Emergent and Early Writers to Success (K-2)
- Harnessing the Tools of Empathy and SEL to Prevent Bullying (PreK-5)
- Helping Middle Grade Struggling Writers Achieve Success (3-6)
- How to Reach and Teach Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (PreK-5)
- Implementing the Workshop Model in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science (4-8)
- Improving Your Students' Test Taking Skills (2-12)
- Incorporating SEL Skills into the Content Areas (PreK-5)
- Instilling a Growth Mindset in Students (K-12)
- Interventions for Middle Grade Struggling Readers (4-6)
- Introduction to Microsoft Office 365 Education (K-12)
- Learner-Centered Math Instruction Using Manipulatives (3-6)
- Leveraging Culturally Responsive Engagement Strategies (6-12)
- Making the Most of the Internet in the Classroom (K-12)
- Mastering the Challenge of Text Complexity in Grades 4-8 (4-8)
- Mastering Google Apps for Education (K-12)
- Math Manipulatives in the Primary Classroom (K-38)
- Math Problem-Solving Strategies for Grades (3-6)
- Meeting Diverse Learning Needs through DEIB (K-12)
- Middle School Math Problem Solving (6-8)
- Motivating and Engaging Middle and High School Students (6-12)
- Moving Beyond Remediation to Empower Sustainable Learning (K-12)
- A Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Students who Challenge Us (K-5)
- Multimedia Project Design and Development (K-12)
- A New Approach to Spelling Instruction (K-6)
- The Next Generation Science Standards (K-12)
- Powerful Interventions to Guide Struggling Readers (K-3)
- Preparing English Language Learners (ESL/ELL/ENL) for Success (K-6)
- Preparing Students with Special Needs to Meet the Standards (K-3)
- Reading Fluency: The Bridge Between Phonics and Comprehension (K-5)
- Reading Foundations for Emergent and Early Readers (PreK-2)
- Reading Interventions for Middle School Students (6-8)
- Reading to Learn: Developing Strategic Reading Skills (4-12)
- Reading Workshop Approach in the Middle Grades (4-8)
- Reading and Writing Strategies for Students with Special Needs (K-5)
- Responding to Students' Mental Health Challenges with SEL (6-12)
- Responsive Classroom Management in the Primary Grades (K-3)
- Science Inquiry Using the 5E Model (K-6)
- The Science of Reading (K-5)
- Self-Care Check-in: Guiding Teachers to Wellness (PreK-12) / One Unit Course
- Small Group Practices to Reach All Readers and Writers (PreK-5)
- Social, Emotional, and Physical Wellness for Students and Teachers (PreK-12)
- Strengthening Content Comprehension with Science of Reading Principles (6-12)
- Study Smarter Not Harder: Study Skills for Students (K-8)
- Supporting Math Foundational Skills in the Primary Grades (K-3)
- Supporting Students Using a MTSS Framework (6-12)
- Tackling Challenging Behaviors in Middle and High School (6-12)
- Targeted Instruction and Interventions with Reading Strategy Groups (K-5)
- Teaching Critical SEL Skills Through Picture Books (PreK-3)
- Teaching Primary Grade Math Problem-Solving Skills (K-2)
- Teaching STEM and NGSS at the Primary Level (K-2)
- Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Mainstream Classroom (K-6)
- Teaching Tolerance and Respect: Preventing Bullying in High School (9-12)
- Technology Tools to Amplify Learning (K-12)
- Transformational Educational Leadership Practices (K-12)
- Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies for All Learners (PreK-6)
- Unleashing the Power of the NGSS and STEM (3-5)
- Using Google Classroom for Teaching and Learning (K-12)
- Using SEL and Intentional Read-Alouds to Promote DEI (PreK-2)
- Using SEL to Drive Inclusive Practices in High School (9-12)
- Vocabulary-Building Strategies for Students in Grades 4-12 (4-12)
- Word Play: Vocabulary Instruction in the Primary Grades (K-3)

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