Boosting Student Engagement Using Active Learning Strategies
(Grades PreK-5) / Flex Course
PDI Course Number: 150T02 / UCSD Course Number: EDUC42506
Course Description
Do you struggle to get, and then maintain, your students’ attention? Do you find it difficult to engage students in their learning? It’s not surprising that many teachers find themselves wondering how to “capture” their students’ attention, particularly in the digital world we live in. This online continuing education course is designed to prepare PreK-5 teachers to boost student engagement and community within their classroom walls using a variety of active learning strategies. The course begins by introducing teachers to the different types of engagement. Teachers will learn specific strategies to capture their students’ attention. From there, the course explores several teacher-driven, as well as, student-driven engagement techniques, all of which are designed to improve student engagement and boost classroom community. From establishing a positive classroom culture to exploring specific scaffolding techniques, teachers will learn how to transform their lessons so that students stay active and engaged. Strategies for making classroom experiences more relatable and fun through such things as classroom transformations, virtual field trips, expert talks, and project-based learning are explored. Additionally, teachers will examine a variety of interactive edtech tools to assist them in their efforts to build intrinsic motivation, capitalizing on their students’ love for technology. By the end of this course, teachers will feel more confident and successful in their quest to boost student engagement and community within their classroom. By the end of this course, teachers will feel more confident and successful in their quest to build their diverse classroom libraries as a way to promote the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion through intentional read-alouds. This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units/5 quarter units (50 hours of training) from University of California San Diego (UCSD) Division of Extended Studies. For detailed information on receiving university credit for your PDI professional development course, visit our credit page.
Need help? Kimya Nabavi, PDI Program Coordinator, is ready to assist.
I really liked the content and felt that it was very pertinent to my needs as a teacher. The resources were wonderful and I plan on using them alot. - Katharine Tomas
This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units or 5 quarter units of graduate-level credit from UCSD.
You have up to one year from the date you are enrolled to complete a flex course.
View the online course syllabus.
Print our customized course approval form to share with your school district.
UCSD Course Number: EDUC42506
Unit One
- Understanding Student Engagement
- The Data Behind Keeping Students Engaged
- Rigor and Alignment
- Assignment #1: Write an autobiography
- Test #1
Unit Two
- Developing Routines and Procedures to Build Community and Set Expectations
- Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
- Planning with Engagement in Mind
- Assignment #2: Article reflection
- Test #2
Unit Three
- Teacher-Led Engagement
- Student-Led Engagement
- Adjusting Existing Practices to Promote Engagement
- Assignment #3: Share your expertise
- Test #3
Unit Four
- Project-Based Learning
- This is Work? Making the Learning Experience Relatable and Fun
- Community Involvement and Finding Resources
- Test #4
Unit Five
- Tech Tools for Engagement: Assessing the Quality of Technology in the Classroom
- Interactive Tech Tools to Help Build Community
- Tech Tools for Lesson Delivery and Gamification
- Test #5
Unit Six
- Engaging Students in a Diverse Classroom
- Building Relationships
- Creating Lifelong Learners
- Assignment #4: Design an engaging, student-led activity
- Assignment #5: Course Reflection

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